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Gala's Quick Chicken Liver Paté

Note: I buy fresh whole chickens and hate to waste any part of them, so if you don't want to save the liver for stock, here is my favorite way of serving them up for a snack within 2 days of buying the chicken.

1 chicken liver
chopped peeled celery stalks, onions and mushrooms in a volume equal to the size of the liver
1/2 t toasted sesame oil
1 t soy sauce
1/2 t each of dried dill and parsley
cayenne, salt, capers and fresh ground pepper to taste
cold, unsalted butter, cut in 1/2 inch chunks

Blend all ingredients in a food processor to form a very slightly chunky mixture and turn it into a covered microwave bowl. Cook on medium high setting for 2 minutes (there will be some pinkish liver that should finish cooking when stirred to cool the mixture). When mixture is nearly room temperature, return it to the processor and add an equal volume of butter and pulse together to blend. Place finished mixture in a small bowl lined with plastic wrap, twist the wrap together and allow to chill well before serving. Works well on lightly garlic oiled toasts.